Healing Products

Workshops in a Box

Currently we are offering two Workshops in a Box

Meditation Made Easier and The Intuition Builder

They are both designed to be used as an augmentation to our live workshops or as a presentation of the material as if you were there. These interactive programs contain an audio CD of the workshop almost word for word as well as a guided presentation of the meditation or intuition building exercise itself. They also include a detailed workbook, and the opportunity to e-mail or call us directly with any questions that you may have, insuring that you completely understand the material.

Psychic Supplements

What are Psychic Supplements?

"Psychic" as relating to, affecting, or influencing the human mind "Supplement" as something added to strengthen the whole.


Psychic Supplements are interactive audio study programs on various life topics like losing weight or having better health, more energy or a stronger immune system .

These powerful life changing programs are designed to introduce and reinforce positive life changes without subliminal suggestions but by using new scripts or affirmations that are clearly presented before you begin . At a very deep level of relaxation these new affirmations are introduced to change your internal scripting.

Each Psychic Supplement contains a compact disk and a workbook with preprinted ready-to-use affirmations.

"I have found that your CD has worked as a perfect drug-free cure to relax me to where I can drift off to sleep almost immediately and have a restful deep sleep, waking up feeling refreshed. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
~ Melissa J.